Couple App/Couple Messenger/Couple SNS - Between
1. Introduction
2. Features
a. Moments - Sharing pictures and memories between couples
The main reason Between was able to position itself was by providing a private space for couples to post and share pictures on. Between was successful in satisfying couples’ largest needs which was a private space online for couples. There are many SNS services such as Facebook, Kakao Story and Instagram where people can share pictures with a wide range of friends, but there was no space for couples to share their pictures. This was not only a space for couples to share their intimate pictures but also a method of creating space where the couple be connected on-line. The best picture taken of the day can be set as the cover picture and a memo function which allows couples to write short notes to each other pulled couples more intimately together. The main screen shows how many days have passed since the couple started dating, helping forgetful men remember important anniversaries.
Between, not only used as private space but also used as a couple exclusive messenger! Unlike Kakao Talk or Line, the chatting function of Between enables couples to focus on one another without the interference of other people. As of April 2015, the accumulated number of messages sent through Between amount to over 26 billion messages and there are approximately 50+ stickers, showing how much investment is being made into Between messaging. In late 2014, a PC version was launched, which aimed to match the quality of the Kakao Talk PC version. As all other messengers, the basic business model was to create cute emoticons to raise revenues.
After Between gathered a large user base of couples, their next concern was how to create a profitable structure while assisting couples to date. Starting with coffee or ice cream mobile gifticons, Between expanded its business model by partnerships with travel agencies, hotels and rent-a-car companies with extensive marketing. What is unique about Between is its present recommendation service which recommends birthday presents or jewelry or perfumes for couples while reminding them of the other person’s birthday one week in advance. However, as this has only newly been launched and there are a limited number of products and little revenue generated for now, it is difficult to say that how successful this service is for now. Providing events that can be enjoyed on a more frequent basis and finding synergetic partners to help design popular events will be critical in the future.
a. Business Model - Between has 4 business models; emoticon stickers used for chatting, a mobile coupon shop for lower priced convenience store focused products, a gift shop for couple bracelets, watches or shoes and marketing for special days or anniversaries. The emoticons of Kakao talk have the advantage of being able to widely use them after purchasing to a wide range of people, however since Between is only for couples, the portion of such sales is expected to be much less than that of other messengers. In the case of mobile coupons, Between differentiates itself from other services by enabling users to send them with cute emoticons. However, there are no distinct advantages or benefits for using Between’s mobile coupons and gift coupons, how they will overcome this will be interesting to see.
b. Global Platform Business - Line was successful in expanding into South East Asian countries such as the Philippines or Taiwan by launching stickers tailor-made for each territory and carrying out aggressive marketing campaigns. After procuring a user base based on the couple catting or picture sharing functions, it will be crucial to build commercial services by country. Personally, I believe that since South East Asian countries like Korean cosmetics and jewelry, enabling purchase of these products from abroad may be a good strategy.
4. Conclusion
Currently, Between has procured a
large user base, however it can be said that its business model has not been firmly
established. By branding itself as a closed SNS service for couples and
procuring a large user base, Between must naturally guide users to use their
mobile commerce services. After validating services in Korea, Between must
adapt it to the various countries for success in the local markets. How
effective Between is at localizing the business model, how successful it is in
creating contents, products, events and services will determine how successful
it will be in becoming a global couple app.
[국민커플 앱/커플 메신저/커플SNS] - 비트윈 Between
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